
Garden of Ecological Cinderella – COP 21 France 2015. Collected lonely lost and forgotten shoes in Parisian streets and giving it a new life. How an object will carry it life with a purpose.


White like memories, Black like hope, Installation about love that is present and to the memories of the future. 2014 Cité Internationale des arts, Paris.


Growing tape – Installation – instead passing a message to the world, pass a seed to grow. NEXTEX, Switzerland 2014


Loose Lips, Sinks ships – Installation about situation in our society and right to freedom of speech. collaboration with video artist Maya Bastien, Colombo Art Biennale, Sri Lanka 2012


Made in China – mix media installation is questing our society about why we consuming short lived imported law quality Chinese products which harm natural environment and the local craftsman who has grass root level business that produce ecological and handmade consuming product at home. Colombo Art Biennale, Sri Lanka 2012